by The Vetitude | Aug 30, 2016 | Blog
[sel-fish] /ˈsɛl fɪʃ/ adjective characterized by or manifesting concern or care only for oneself I am browsing through my Facebook feed. I scroll by another article about women who don’t want children. I peruse the piece, agreeing with many of the reasons the...
by The Vetitude | Jan 31, 2016 | Blog
I recently read a Huff Post article entitled “The Real Reason Your Wait at the Doctor’s Office is So Long.” Veterinary Medicine and Human medicine vary in a lot of very meaningful ways, but we are also often the same. And in this we share a common weakness—we...
by The Vetitude | May 21, 2015 | Blog
“This must be the hardest part of your job.” It’s a common refrain when I perform a euthanasia. In many ways it is. Death takes an enormous emotional toll and there are days when I long for the banality of a schedule full of wellness exams. But in some ways,...