Hello There

This is what we’re all about.

The Vetitude is a website and social media brand created by Lauren Smith, DVM.

Here at The Vetitude, we know that dealing with pet owners can be difficult, emotionally draining, and sometimes completely frustrating. If only our two-legged clients were as easy to deal with as our four-legged patients our jobs would be so much more satisfying.

So how do we decrease the number of difficult clients we have to deal with? How do we turn the complainers, the guilters, the threateners, and the know-it-alls into cooperative and compliant pet parents? And how do we set boundaries with, and bounce back from, the people we can’t get through to?

That’s what we’re here to help you with. So come check us out and get the tools you need to make clients putty in your hands.

Get The Daily SOAP

How you go into your day…and your appointments, can have a huge impact on how things go. That’s why I’ve created this Daily SOAP; to help you analyze the situation mindfully. To come up with your “problem list” and to think of a plan to tackle it.

What I do:


About Me

What is Vetitude? Why was this site created? What is Dr. Smith up to? Where have all the cowboys gone? Get answers.

Click here to learn more.


Yes, Dr. Smith would love to come to talk at your event. Check out some sample talk topics and contact information for booking.

Click here to learn more.


My new one-on-one coaching plan is here to give you the tools you need to deal with clients compassionately, effectively, and fulfillingly.

Click here to learn more.

Latest blogs:

The Greatest COVID Loss No One is Talking About

The Greatest COVID Loss No One is Talking About

It was a few months after graduating vet school, and as much as I had insisted that I would not be a doctor living at home with my parents, I was currently living at home with my parents. I was in my bedroom when my mother called for me. I walked out into the hall and...

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For weeks I have been living in the In-between. A life between normalcy and aberration. I live on Long Island. Outside of the city, but not far enough outside to escape the horrifying number of COVID-19 cases. As an essential employee who is also an introverted...

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